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Book MPM Train Ambulance Service in Patna for timely service Professional

4 hours ago Services Bagerhat   19 views


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Location: Bagerhat
Price: ৳90,000

Are you interested in using a train ambulance in Patna to transport your patient in the fastest and most efficient manner?

The MPM Train Ambulance Service in Patna selects the shortest distance and purchases seats on the fastest train on that route to successfully transfer serious patients to the destination they prefer. MPM Train Ambulance Service in Patna has well-trained executives who handle patient booking and relocation.

!!!Enquire Today!!!

Pillar no - 4, Ambedkar Path, Near Mahima Mandir, Nandan Puri, Khajpura, Patna-800014

Call Us: +919264470198, +919264470199

Email: info@mpmairambulance.com