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Choose Medivic Aviation Train Ambulance Service in Patna for the fastest transfer to hospitals Professional

1 month ago Services Kushtia   41 views


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Location: Kushtia
Price: ৳90,000

Have you ever tried to transfer a patient by Medivic Aviation Train Ambulance Service in Patna?

We are the fastest and most reliable source of transportation for patients who need immediate medical help. Our services provide the fastest access to hospitals and specialist treatments in case of emergency.

Medivic Aviation Train Ambulance Service in Patna equips their train coaches with life-saving equipment and medical teams with expert professionals who ensure the safe transfer of your loved ones. Trust us for prompt medical transfer to any destination so that patients get timely treatment when they need it the most.

!!Contact Info!!

Uttaranchal Plaza, Vasundhra, Sector-3, Near Pani Tanki, Ghaziabad, NCR Delhi-201012

Phone: +91-9560123309, +91-9264470192

Email: info@medivicaviation.com