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Choose Vedanta Train Ambulance in Patna to reach your hospital on time Professional

3 days ago Services Jhingergācha   13 views


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Location: Jhingergācha
Price: ৳90,000

Is your condition critical, and do you need an ambulance service to reach your destination on time?

If yes, choose Vedanta Train Ambulance Services in Patna, as we book express trains that never delay and reach on time.

Vedanta Train Ambulance Services in Patna does not make patients wait for hours; the work starts as soon as the transfer request is received to ensure that the patient reaches his destination on time. Using our train ambulance allows families to focus on the patient's health rather than the transfer process.

!!More Details and Further Enquiry!!

Vasundhra, Sector-3, Near Pani Tanki, Ghaziabad, NCR Delhi-201012

Phone: +919958717839

Email: - info@vedantaairambulance.com