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MPM Train Ambulance in Patna provides Continuous Care during the Journey Professional

2 days ago Services Bagerhat   18 views


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Location: Bagerhat
Price: ৳90,000

Are you dealing with a situation where a patient needs to be taken to a far-off hospital, keeping his health and safety in mind?

If yes, then this can be handled by MPM Train Ambulance Services in Patna, which provides fully equipped ambulance services within trains.

Since our team of doctors, nurses, and paramedics are available round the clock, we can provide continuous care during the journey, guaranteeing that the patient receives life-saving equipment and the highest level of medical care. This makes our services reliable in any emergency.

!!!Enquire Today!!!

Pillar no - 4, Ambedkar Path, Near Mahima Mandir, Nandan Puri, Khajpura, Patna-800014

Call Us: +919264470198, +919264470199

Email: - info@mpmairambulance.com