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While Traveling, Medivic Aviation Train Ambulance Service in Jamshedpur Offers Medical Observation Professional

1 month ago Services Tāngāil   40 views


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Location: Tāngāil
Price: ৳90,000

Does your patient need to be transported by a qualified ambulance service in Jamshedpur along with equipment to ensure they receive the best care possible, all the time?

To ensure that there are no health issues or inconveniences, the Medivic Aviation Train Ambulance Service in Jamshedpur offers its passengers medically approved equipment and medical staff throughout the journey.

With the assistance of the Medivic Aviation Train Ambulance Service in Jamshedpur, you can ensure that your critical patients are transferred securely and effortlessly under the control of trained medical workers.

!!Contact Info!!

Uttaranchal Plaza, Vasundhra, Sector-3, Near Pani Tanki, Ghaziabad, NCR Delhi-201012

Phone: +91-9560123309, +91-9264470192

Email: info@medivicaviation.com